Massage after Miscarraige
Miscarriage can be a very difficult experience to navigate your way through, this massage is designed to nurture and support you through this loss and encourage your body to heal physically and emotionally. I use gentle relaxation techniques, reiki and rebozo work to encourage your body and mind into a state of balance.
About 1/3 of pregnancies end in miscarriage but often women feel very alone in navigating this territory. If a woman is in the first trimester she may not have told anyone and can feel especially alone.
I tailor may massages for each individual. I provide a nurturing space to be with yourself and tune in with your body and help you come to a state of peace and prepare your body and mind for future conception.
Muscles receive oxygen and blood to restore the tissues and helps recovery. It increases the flow of lymph, which improves the health of the immune system. In addition, massage reduces unwanted fatigue and symptoms related to depression and anxiety.